^^Miss Rose always has the best facial expressions. This is her I'm not sure about all of this snow face.
Sweater: Rag and Bone (similar here and here, on sale!!) | Coat: Burberry (similar style here, here and here) | Jeans: Current Elliott | Boots: Hunter | Hat: J.Crew (similar here, here and here) | Blanket: Gatehouse No. 1
Isla's Outfit || Shirt: Zara | Vest: Zara (love this similar style) | Jeans: Zara (similar here) | Boots: Hunter | Hat: Zara
Yesterday we took a drive and came across the most beautiful batch of pine trees!!! I wanted so badly to cut one down and take it home! Isla wasn't too sure about the snow and didn't want me to put her down, but she's slowly warming up to it. The holidays this year have been so magical!! I feel like I'm experiencing everything for the first time again. I love watching her joy and excitement.
And speaking of the holidays... a pair of hunter boots has always been a wardrobe must when winter rolls around. They never go out of style and they're super stylish and function at the same time! If you follow me on Snapchat or watch my stories on Instagram you saw that last week when we were in St. George for Thanksgiving Isla was ALWAYS wearing her hunter boots (the chick even jumped into the pool with them on!!). I couldn't wait to get her a pair from Nordstrom once she started walking and once we had our first snowfall, and now she loves them as much as I do! Plus we can match which is always fun ;)
Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great Wednesday!
xo, Rach
Brought to you by Nordstrom.