The First Trimester Q&A...

The First Trimester Q&A...

Posted by Rachel Parcell on

Thank you all so much for your well wishes on the announcement of our new addition. We feel so grateful and excited to grow our family- we didn't feel complete quite just yet. Drew and I both come from big families with lots of siblings so we love the madness. We can't wait to meet our baby!

I've had a lot of questions about this pregnancy so I wanted to give you ladies an update and all the details!


How Long Did it take you to get pregnant? It took us about a year and half to conceive. This will have been longest of my babies. It took me 8 months and chlomid to conceive Isla Rose. Jackson was a total surprise! I was nursing and didn't think I could get pregnant nursing.

When did you decide to start doing Infertility treatments? I called my doctor after I had been tracking and trying for 7 months. He put me on chlomid again and I tried that for around five or six months. After that wasn't working, we decided to move on to IUI treatments.

Did you get pregnant from your IUI Treatments? No! It was shocking to me that we didn't. We did two treatments that both failed. I didn't understand how I couldn't get pregnant after they tracked my follicles, trigger shot my body to ovulate, and injected 20 million sperm up my cervix! I forsure thought IUI would work for us!

Did you have to do IVF to conceive? No! Again shocking to me! We took a break from IUI treatments in October, after we found out our September IUI failed. We wanted to take a month break to gear up to start the IVF process in November. We met with our Doctor, (Dr. Faulk from Utah Fertility Clinics) and he talked to use about the process and pricing. Drew and I felt super confident that IVF would be the answer and we just knew it would work for us. October was the first month I didn't track my period or ovulation cycle in a year and half! I just completely let go of any control and didn't even think about it because we had our game plan set for November.

How Did you Find Out You Were Pregnant? In early November I was needing to make an appointment to get more botox in my jaw to freeze that muscle. I clench my jaw all night long when I sleep and it gives me super bad headaches. I started getting the botox in my jaw over a year ago and it works! I go about every 4 months. My injector always has me test before I make an appointment just to make sure I'm not pregnant. I took the test solely for that appointment, I would have never dreamed it would be positive but it was! I was absolutely shocked! The month I stopped tracking and worrying is the month I finally got pregnant! So grateful!

When are you Due? Early July!!

How did you deal with morning sickness? Any Tips? Unfortunately my morning sickness lasts all day! It started when I was 6 weeks. While we were in Dallas for the IVL event with my sisters the nausea set in and it was miserable. My doctor prescribed me Diclegious and it helped take the edge off but I still felt awful and was throwing up. My best advice to combat morning sickness...

-Ask for help.

-Ask your doctor what nausea medicine he recommends.

-Sleep as much as you can.

-Try and clear your schedule as much as possible.

-Eat something mild every two hours, even if you have to force to yourself- it helps.

-Don't beat yourself up for slowing down, you're growing a human and it's a lot of work on your body. Take it easy and don't put extra pressure on yourself.

-Order these barf bags from Amazon and keep them in your car. I have had to pull over and throw up driving so many times and these bags save me!

Are you going to find out the gender? No we are going to wait and be surprised at delivery. We have one of each already, I have a ton of baby girl and baby clothes and blankets saved so I don't feel like I have a ton of prep to do for baby this time. We will go to the hospital with a pink outfit and a blue outfit an a list of a few boy names and girl names. I think it will be magical to be surprised!!

What are your Favorite Foods to Eat while sick and pregnant? PB&J on white bread, Oatmeal w/Strawberries, Eggo Waffles w/butter and syrup, Strawberry Banana Smoothie, crackers.

Smoothie Recipe:

1 Cup Almond Milk

1 TBS Honey

1 tsp Vanilla

1/3 Cup Vanilla Greek Yogurt

1 Frozen Banana

2 Cups Frozen Strawberries

*Blend in blender

Are you showing more this pregnancy? Oh my gosh, yes! I swear I started showing at six weeks. I think I'm the same size at 18 weeks as I was with Isla Rose at 35 weeks!

Do you have names picked out yet? Yes! We already have our boy name and our girl name picked out! We aren't using any of these names but if you're pregnant and need some ideas here are all some that have been on my name lists for years...


-Lewis (after my papa)


-LeGrand (it's a family name and I know a LeGrand. It's always been a favorite of mine.)








-Swayzie (I know a little girl named Swayzie and she is the most darling thing.)

When will you start decorating the nursery? I won't start until after I have the baby. My babies sleep in a bassinet next to my bed for the first 6-8 months so I'm not worried about having a room done by my due date. It will give me something to work on while I nurse late at night!

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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