End of Season Sale
Enjoy savings up to 40% on select products for a limited time. Discount is shown on product page and in cart for Eligible Products. Cannot be combined with any other promo codes/offers/discounts. All sales are final & not subject to our return policy. Offer not valid on previous purchases. No substitutions or cash equivalents. Offer not available at any retail partner’s stores or websites. Rachel Parcell, Inc. has the right to cancel any orders due to unauthorized use of the promotion, technical error or unforeseen problems. Valid on www.rachelparcell.com. Void where prohibited. Due to the high volume, processing time may take longer than normal.

The Rachel Parcell brand is inspired by the romantic, the feminine, and the timeless.
Rachel herself is a mom, wife, sister, entrepreneur, fashion designer, and blogger—committed to “elevating the everyday” through meticulous product recommendations, curated lifestyle inspiration, and her namesake collections for home and wardrobe.