Hello 2018: My New Years Goals...

Hello 2018: My New Years Goals...

Posted by Rachel Parcell on

Turtleneck: Free People (also here, here and here) | Puffer: Free People | Jeans: Rag and Bone | Boots: Sorel (also here, love this similar style here, here and here) | Sunglasses: YSL (also here) | Bag: Chanel (similar style here and here) | Earrings: Nordstrom | Lips: Soar liner and Snob lipstick by MAC


Happy 2018!!! I have a lot of personal and professional goals I'm trying to achieve this year, but I also am really trying to simplify and not overwhelm myself. I thought I would share a few of mine with you. I always feel so inspired when I talk with my girlfriends about their hopes and dreams and goals they're working toward!

First, I'm starting the year off by re-reading the book, You Are a Bad Ass. I read it a few months ago but need a refresher. It's such an inspiring book and I really had an a-ha moment when I read it. I highly recommend it! Such a great time to read it with the new year and fresh start!

Like I said, I really wanted to simplify and make a list of goals that are attainable and that I will be able to reach and not feel overwhelmed so there's not a ton but I really want to master all of these before I write down a huge list.


Prayers. We have formed a habit of saying family prayers together each night before we put the babies to bed which I'm extremely grateful for, but by the time my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep before I can say my personal prayers to God. I used to be so good at this before I had babies and now that I'm a mom I've fallen out of the habit which make me so sad. No matter what religion you are, I feel like it is so mentally therapeutic to speak with god, or to the universe, or whatever you want to call it. If you haven't tried, try it. If you aren't in the habit of it, make a habit of it. That's at the very top of my list! Date Night with Drew once a week. It's so easy to lose track of each other between the businesses we run and our two toddlers under three. We usually make time for date night but have gotten off track with the holidays so I'm excited to start that again and make time for each other one-on-one. Oh and when we do go on date night we leave our phones in the car so we can talk with no distractions or text alerts. It's so refreshing. If you haven't tried it yet do it! (Drew wears his Apple Watch incase the babysitter needs to get ahold of us!). Be more patient with myself and others. This is my weakness. I am not a patient person. Whether that's when I'm in a check-out line at the grocery store, getting my lashes filled (I fidget the entire time and count down the seconds until I can stand up and go about my day), or with myself when I make a mistake and not be so hard on myself over big and small things, or with my husband, kids or family. My grandma always say patience is a virtue and I'm trying to really refine that in myself this year.


° Diet Coke only on the weekends ° Drink half my body weight in ounces of water each day ° Eat clean during the week and enjoy myself on the weekends (I'm using Fitness Carli's meal plan and Clean Simple Eats meal plan to eat clean and get recipe ideas) ° Continue the habit of waking up and working out each morning before my babies wake up ° This one falls under mental health I guess. Self love. Loving myself, not comparing myself and embracing my weaknesses and strengths


Letting go of the mom guilt I feel when I have to leave my babies to go to a meeting for my clothing line, a shoot or travel for a blog project. I am a wife, a mother and run two businesses and that's ok. That doesn't make me any less of mom and I love that my children will grow up watching their mom work. I often notice feelings of guilt or anxiety when I leave to go work and it's not healthy or productive. I really want to let go of that and spin it positively instead of negatively in my mind and to my babies. I am going to (attempt) to wake up an hour before my workouts to get some work done and out of the way before my babies wake up to minimize any time that would take me away from them. Often I'll be answering emails while Jackson and Isla eat breakfast but I want to be there and present with them and not buried in my phone responding to emails from the evening before. I want to wake up and get it all done and be there in the moment with my babies, especially because time is going by so fast. Continue to grow and expand my clothing line, Rachel Parcell Collection, and Pink Peonies! I've created a vision board and am striving to make 2018 the biggest year yet! We have so many exciting things in store for you this year!! I'm so excited about our spring and summer collections coming!!!! I think you're going to love all the pieces we've designed.


Ok sorry for the novel of a post! I would so love to hear some of your goals for the new year. I always find it so inspiring and motivating to hear what other people are striving and working towards to better themselves.

Love you all and thank you, thank you for following along.


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