Happy Monday ladies!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! A lot of you know how I always love a good Motivational Monday and I have decided to dedicate a post to it once a month. It will be on the first Monday of every month and I hope that you all will look forward to something inspiring to get your week and month started off right!
The beginning of the month and week is always a good time to check in with yourself and decide on something you may want to improve in your life.
I have always loved the quote, "A goal without a plan is just a wish" Map it out, write it down, and make it happen!
Below are templates you can use while setting your monthly goals! First, come up with your overall goal for the month. Life is already so busy that I have decided that overwhelming myself with too many goals is not a good idea. I want to focus on one goal and then break that one main goal down into steps. If you take baby steps when setting a goal, it is more likely that you will achieve it.
If you have more of a simple goal, such as saying your prayers every night or having more patience with loved ones, you may not feel as though you need all of these templates. A small goal like that doesn't require you to dive as deep in mapping it out. If your goal is larger, such as a fitness routine or meal plan, I have provided you with more tools to utilize in mapping it all out. Keep reading to see my goal for the month of May and to download the templates to help you map out your own goal!
Template #1: This is an easy way to snapshot your goal. On this template you can write down your goal in detail and why you want to focus on this goal! Create positive affirmations to remind yourself why you want to achieve it and that you can. Also jot down any notes and a to-do list that you can think of that will help you stick to achieving your goal.
See my Green Drink recipe here! :)

Template #2: Map out your smaller weekly goals that will help you to achieve your overall goal for the month. Remember that baby steps is what it takes to achieve a goal. If you ease into something the correct way, it will just naturally become a part of your everyday routine!
Template #3: This template is so that you can map out your weekly plan even further if necessary. If you have a goal that requires you to set up a weekly plan such as a fitness goal or meal plan, breaking your week down day by day can be very helpful! I like to make sure I can see my plan for the day when I wake up each morning so that I can hold myself accountable for what needs to be done.
I hope that this motivates you to pick a goal for this month...something you have been wanting to accomplish! Remember that the key to achieving a goal is to write it down and ease into it. You can click here to download all of these templates to use!! As always, I love connecting with you ladies, if you decide to do this with me and feel comfortable sharing your goal I would love to see!
Happy Goal Setting!!!