It's December 1st and the start of a new month, I thought it seemed appropriate to feature Pink Peonies' very first Guest Post...
Beth has a few fashion questions so comment, comment, comment and give her some advice!
I'm happy to be here with Rachel.She's got her style together & I know her readers are just as stylish.
I'm Beth from Through the Eyes of the Mrs.
So I need some opinions ladies.
Most of our date nights consist of dinner & sleep.Yes we are pathetic that way.Although on occasion we like to get a little crazy.
We turn the music up loud and dance around at midnight just because we can!
We share a bottle of diet coke & then go to sleep, ha ha.The kids are at Papa & Ga's sound asleep & we feel young again.
We have a fun adult only dinner party this month for a friends birthday.I'm of course so excited that there is a dress code.I was on a mission to find an inexpensive, fun party dress.
I wasn't up for shopping & trying things on with my two girls.They would be grabbing lip glosses and running out of the dressing room.Please tell me it isn't only me that this happens to.My children go crazy at the mall.I'm convinced they just can't help themselves.
So I did my shopping online since it was Free Shipping!This is the Dress!
Now I need to figure out my hair & shoes.These things can stress me out!It's always the little details that I obsess over.
Do I wear shear hose or black hose?Do I wear a bangle?I'm thinking no necklace because of the lace.Hair Inspirations
This could be dressed up for a party right?
Gorgeous but I'm slightly hair challenged.
Maybe just sleek & down.
Or should I go curly?
I figure you stylish ladies can help me out.I am regularly in my leggings & over sized sweater so I could use opinions.
I love clothes, love shopping and have challenged myself more.I will make sure to let you know how the party goes on my blog.----------------------------------------First off Beth, I love the Dress! It's perfect for a holiday party, you're going to look Fabulous!Here is my advice of how I would add a little detail that will pull the look togetherI would...-Go with hair number 1 or 4-Wear black tights and a black suede pumps-add simple diamond stud earrings-rock ruby red lips-bedazzle your wristsI'm in visioning Something like this
and this
What would you do to add details to this look?
Make sure you stop by & follow along.This month I have a series called...
Think all things Christmas!
Ornaments, Decorating, Shopping, Crafting, Wrapping & More.
You will be seeing a lot of guests & fun tutorials.
Plus I have a fun Giveaway Planned!
Thank You so much for having me Rachel!