A Mother's Day Chat with My Sweet Mama...

A Mother's Day Chat with My Sweet Mama...

Posted by Amelia England on

It's Mother's Day! In honor of all the beautiful and inspiring women in my life, I'm super excited to share a little Q+A with my most important role model: my mom!
My mother is such an incredible storyteller and caregiver... It was a true privilege to listen to her talk about her values, memories, and passions, especially those she can pass on to sweet Isla Rose. I hope you enjoy this Mother's Day feature as much as we did; be sure to share your own Mother's Day moments with me on Instagram!
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
^^ Shop our latest RP styles! My mom is wearing the Ribbed Knit Dress; I'm wearing the Puff Sleeve Dress in Pink Poppy; and Isla Rose is matching in her Tank Smocked Dress.
What was it like to raise four girls?
What is your favorite thing about being a grandma?
Getting to love someone as much as you love your own kids but without having to discipline them. 
What does Rachel do that makes you proud?
All things, really. I was super involved and on board with her blog and clothing line from the beginning. I was one of Rachel's first photographers and would help edit her content, so I was actually really sad when Drew took over because I loved being involved! Everything Rachel does, I want to support in any way I can. (I even remember when her blog goal was to "just get 50 followers," so I asked all my friends and family to help!) She loves and respects her readers and genuinely cares about connecting with them. She's truly an inspiration.
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
What are you most excited about as you see Isla Rose grow up and figure out her passions?
I want her to know the world is at her fingertips. She lives in a time where women can do anything they put their minds to!
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Who are some women role models in your life?
Oprah! I've always wanted to be her, meet her, and grow up to be her. Also Elaine Dalton; she really spoke to me as an LDS woman.
Family-wise, I love my mother, Mary, and Mike's mom, Judy. My mother had to put herself through college late in life... She had started with her degree in Art Education, and when she was 69 she went back and finished! I've always admired how she loves painting and sketching. (Her whole family was artistic and I feel like that’s where Rachel gets her eye.)
My mom had very little in life to get her ahead. She was raised in an orphanage and worked three jobs when she went to college. It took me a long time to learn about her background, but she would always say she didn’t want me to have any of her same setbacks. I applied this same mindset as I raised my own family: I put my kids first because I want them to love life, be successful, and enjoy the spotlight.
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Do you have any advice for Rachel?
Never let anyone tell you who you are or what you're capable of. I always say that if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will go its entire life thinking it can’t do anything. But it’s a fish! Why would you hold it to impossible criteria when its talents and passions lie elsewhere? 
I applied this same wisdom when I was teaching school and raising my kids. I learned that if you help a child look, feel, and be their best, they'll have the confidence to achieve their full potential. And the most important thing about this is to be their advocate, i.e., don’t make them navigate it all by themselves. Take Rachel, for example: She failed at chemistry so she could be a fashion blogger. She was so into creating beautiful things for people to discover, so that's what I worked to encourage and direct for her. 
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
What is your favorite family tradition?
We're a very musical family, so we integrate singing and performing into our holidays and get-togethers. I truly love this tradition!
Mike's mom also makes the most beautiful gingerbread houses. When Mike and I got married, we would make them for the holidays, so now Rach does it with her family. We had to skip this last year because of COVID, but this year they are hoping to make a big comeback and win huge prizes now that we're feeling a bit more hopeful about family gatherings. 
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
^^ Shop our latest RP styles! My mom is wearing the Ribbed Knit Dress; I'm wearing the Puff Sleeve Dress in Pink Poppy; and Isla Rose is matching in her Tank Smocked Dress.
What are some more of your favorite memories of Rachel?
Rach wanted to be a cowgirl when she was little. All she wanted to do was spend time at our ranch in Colorado. 
When she was little Rachel would make these fabulous lampshades out of coffee filters. Seriously, the things Rachel could do with a glue gun...
Another one of her favorite things was to go to Jo-Ann's and make clothing out of upholstery fabric. 
Through all her experiences and projects, Rach has learned that if she loves what she does, she never has to "go to work." Her grandpa has been such an inspiration in this way... He’s 89 years old and still building because he loves it. I'm so happy Rach has carried on this legacy of hard work and creativity. 
Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Happy Mother's Day Rachel Parcell
Happy Mother's Day to my RP family around the world! Xoxo, Rach
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